Wampum grooming products developed incrementally over a period of 18 years. I tested every ingredient on my retired show dogs and house cats to see what it does and how it affects their skin and coat. I wanted my show dogs to look better than all the other dogs in the ring. I needed to minimize the grooming workload as I have a very demanding day job. Slip products including oils and conditioners had to be slippery 4 days down the line, not just straight after a bath. Shampoos were not allowed to make the skin flake or make my animals scratch at all. I will not use fragrance in animal products as not only are they allergic to the essentials oils in fragrances, but it masks their most crucial organ, their sense of smell.
Dr Heidi Rolfes PhD PrEng FCI All Breeds Judge

I am a professional Chemical Engineer with a Masters Degree in Polymer Science and a PhD in Materials Science. I am a product development specialist and a member of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists of South Africa.